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April 2025, Vienna

International Museum Conference on Climate Change


Dear Colleagues,

on behalf of the Scientific Committee and Local Organizing Committee we would like to invite you to join us for an international conference on museum climate, climate change and future challenges related to insect pests, fungi, increasing energy costs and sustainable green museums. The conference will be held in Vienna, Austria, from 9-11th of April, 2025.

The three-day meeting will take place in the center of Vienna and is a collaboration between the Natural History Museum Vienna, the Kunsthistorische Museum, the University of Applied Arts, the Akademie of Art and the Austrian Academy of Science.

This meeting will be an international forum to gather conservators, building facility managers, climate researchers, entomologist and microbiologist from around the globe, to share and discuss their experiences and scientific findings on indoor museum climate. The conference is focused on fine art, ethnological and natural history museums, but also including archives, libraries, historic buildings and palaces. We will present the newest predictions for future climate models, interesting case studies from large museums. The conference also marks the end of a four year research project in Austria, funded by the Austrian Academy of Science on “Modelling future climate change on museum pests and fungi”. We will present some exiting new results from this project and discuss it with the scientific community. There will be some exiting excursions on the last day of the program and some really special evening events…

In this conference we want to bring together conservators, facility managers, climate researchers, building physicists and (micro)-biologists to share results and discuss the future indoor climate in museums.

Dr. Pascal Querner, NHM (Chair)


Dates to remember

The exact location of the conference will be published here at a later stage.

Abstract submission

until 1st of October, 2024

Early registration

until 1st of December, 2024

Late registration

until 1st of February 2025 (cut-off date)

Evening reception in the NHM Vienna

8th of April, 2025

Date of the conference

9–11th of April, 2025
IMC on Climate Change

Conference Program

Evening reception at the NHM Vienna
Theme 1
Effects of climate change on indoor museum climate
Theme 2
Modelling climate change, insect pests and fungi
Theme 3
Saving energy and the Green Museums
Theme 4
Evaluation of climate corridors

Keynote Speakers

  • Prof. Stefan Simon
    Rathgen Research Laboratory, Berlin, Germany
  • Dr. Johanna Leissner
    Fraunhofer Institute, Brussels, Belgium
  • Prof. Peter Brimblecombe
    University Taiwan
  • Prof. Katja Sterflinger
    Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, Austria
  • Dr. Erik Breitung
    Metropolitan Museum, New York, USA
  • Prof. Morten Ryhl-Svendsen
    Kopenhagen, Denmark
  • Dr. Wolfgang Rabitsch
  • Dr. Joel Taylor
    Norwegian institute for cultural research (NIKU), Oslo, Norway
  • Prof. Harald Rieder
    University of Applied Sciences, Vienna, Austria
  • Prof. Dario Camuffo
    National Research Council of Italy (CNR)
  • Prof. Michał Łukomski
    Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles

Further Speakers

  • Dr. Stefan Bichlmaier
    Fraunhofer, Germany
  • Lars Klemm
    Iconyk Munich, Germany
  • Bill Landsberger
    Rathgen Research Laboratory, Berlin
  • Katharina Derksen
    Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Austria
  • Dr. Rudi Plarre
    BAM, Berlin
  • Dr. Marie-Christine Pachler
    Schönbrunn Palace Vienna, Austria
  • Dr. Tanja Kimmel
    University of Applied Arts Vienna, Austria
  • Sonja Fuernkranz, Faranak Bahrololoumi
    and Angelika Polster

    Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
  • Dr. Anna Fenlon
    Natural History Museum, London, UK
  • Tobias Haupt
    Kunsthaus Zürich, Switzerland
  • MBA Markus Querner
    iC consulenten, Austria
  • Reiner Pospischil
    PMP-Biosolutions, Germany
More speakers to be confirmed.

Presentation Guidelines

Keynote papers will be of 30 min duration of which 25 min are for oral presentation and 5 min for discussion. We already invited a number of speakers but if you have an interesting case study from your museum, research project or climate models, please contact Pascal Querner via email to see if your contribution will fit into the program. A scientific publication of all talks is an option and will be discussed by the scientific committee in the course of 2024.


Pascal Querner


Registration, Fees & Policy

REGISTRATION: today until February 2025

To register for the conference, please complete the form below. You will receive further information on payment processing by e-mail after your registration.

Conference Registration

    Number of accompanying persons

    Registration Fees

    Early registration before 01/12/2024

    Regular participants 1
    450 €
    Students 2
    250 €
    Accompanying persons 3
    100 €
    50 €

    Late registration after 01/12/2024

    Regular participants 1
    500 €
    Students 2
    300 €
    Accompanying persons 3
    100 €
    50 €

    1 Registration fee Regular participants and Students includes:

    • Delegate bag with meeting material including the abstracts book
    • Attendance to all scientific sessions
    • Coffee breaks and lunches during the meeting
    • Welcome reception (day one)
    • Attending excursions
    2 Students with identification card or declaration of institution as proof

    3 Accompanying person registration fee includes:

    • Welcome reception (day one)
    • Attending the congress dinner (day two)

    Refunding Policy

    • Cancellations received before 1. of October 2024:
      100 % of the registration cost
    • Cancellations received before 31. Dezember 2024:
      50 % of the registration cost
    • For cancellations after the 1. January 2025 on:
      no refunds

    Please note that refunds will only be processed after the conference!

    Museum Climate (© Dr. Pascal Querner) | International Museum Conference on Climate Change, 9-11 April, 2025, Vienna

    Travelling to Vienna

    Vienna is the capital of Austria and can be reached overnight by train from most capitals in Europe. We emphasize all participants to travel as envirnomental friendly as possible to reduce CO2 emissions. The train station is in the city centre only few subway stops from the conference. If you are travelling by plane to Austria, you will arrive to Vienna International Airport, about 30 min by train (S-Bahn) or bus from the city centre.


    Please book your accomodation as soon as possible as Vienna is visited by many tourists in the spring. For a complete list of hotels please look at Wien Info.

    Travelling by train: timetable & pricesHotel list Vienna

    Social Events

    Welcome reception at the Natural History Museum in Vienna before the conference
    Conference dinner in a traditional Viennese restaurant

    Further details will be published here at a later stage.

    SAVE THE DATE: International Museum Conference on Climate Change, April 9–11, 2025, Vienna·
    SAVE THE DATE: International Museum Conference on Climate Change, April 9–11, 2025, Vienna·
    SAVE THE DATE: International Museum Conference on Climate Change, April 9–11, 2025, Vienna·
    SAVE THE DATE: International Museum Conference on Climate Change, April 9–11, 2025, Vienna·
    SAVE THE DATE: International Museum Conference on Climate Change, April 9–11, 2025, Vienna·
    SAVE THE DATE: International Museum Conference on Climate Change, April 9–11, 2025, Vienna·
    SAVE THE DATE: International Museum Conference on Climate Change, April 9–11, 2025, Vienna·
    SAVE THE DATE: International Museum Conference on Climate Change, April 9–11, 2025, Vienna·
    Welcome reception at the NHM Vienna

    Sponsors & Partners

    We thank our sponsors and partners that are supporting this conference!